Top 5 surf tutorials: Learning to Surf for Beginners

3 Tips for Surfing the Face of an Unbroken Wave

So you’ve mastered popping up, catching and cruising a wave? Excellent – now it is time to learn to catch an unbroken wave and surf sideways along the wave face. 1. This video gives an excellent breakdown of how to catch an unbroken wave. Doesn’t that look easy? When I […]

3 Videos: How to Choose a Surfboard - Mountains of Truth by Oscar Finnemore

3 Videos: How to Choose a Surfboard

As a beginner especially, it can be tough knowing where to start on knowing how to choose a surfboard. To help you out, I’ve put collated three great videos that do a great job of comparing pros and cons of some potential first surfboards. Most people have a strong favourite and will stick with […]

Top 5 surf tutorials: Learning to Surf for Beginners - Mountains of Truth by Oscar Finnemore

Top 5 surf tutorials: Learning to Surf for Beginners

Learning to surf has definitely been challenging. It’s a tough sport to pick up and progress with, not helped by all the face planting (read ‘pearl diving’ in surf speak). But it’s definitely worth it! You will be best starting off catching smaller waves that have already broken so they […]