-Sentences should ideally begin by clarifying what or who (the sentence’s subject) is causing an action. Then a sentence should provide the action- a verb- and finally the target (object) of the action. For example, “The boy kicked the ball.” shows the boy is the one creating the action and […]
Sentences can be approached in different levels of detail. The following will go through some basics. If you want more detail, then go to the sections on clauses and the passive and active voice. If you want some examples of varied writing, then read some pieces from the article bank. […]
The Importance of Paragraphs Every piece of writing needs logical paragraphs structured to make it readable and easily understood. There are many tools that can help achieve this. Importantly, topics should be made clear and connect to one another in a sensible order. This can be done to show contrasts, […]
When you first start out, Mountain Bike Training can be daunting. From experience, the unique challenge in cycling training is taking in enough fuel during those long rides. A few years ago, my friend and I took part in the London to Brighton off-road cycle in support of the British Heart Foundation. Within a […]
So you’ve mastered popping up, catching and cruising a wave? Excellent – now it is time to learn to catch an unbroken wave and surf sideways along the wave face. 1. This video gives an excellent breakdown of how to catch an unbroken wave. Doesn’t that look easy? When I […]
As a beginner especially, it can be tough knowing where to start on knowing how to choose a surfboard. To help you out, I’ve put collated three great videos that do a great job of comparing pros and cons of some potential first surfboards. Most people have a strong favourite and will stick with […]
Learning to surf has definitely been challenging. It’s a tough sport to pick up and progress with, not helped by all the face planting (read ‘pearl diving’ in surf speak). But it’s definitely worth it! You will be best starting off catching smaller waves that have already broken so they […]
Whey protein has been around for ages, and has a lot of research suggesting it is safe over the long and medium term. Additionally, it is made from natural sources, and whey has been an ingredient in many foods for a long time. There are findings showing it helps improve exercise […]
Having thought about the ideal place to live and the impact of geography on health, I wanted to write about some considerations. A few are, does mental health improve when living outside urban areas? Does it make sense for people with breathing or heart health concerns to live outside city […]
There are a number of research papers conclusively recommending low carbohydrate diets over low fat diets. A few examining several past studies have found greater weight loss resulting from restricting carbohydrate consumption compared to when cutting down fat. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/landia/article/PIIS2213-8587(15)00367-8/abstract Sticking to a low carbohydrate diet for 12 months gave better results […]