The Importance of Paragraphs

Every piece of writing needs logical paragraphs structured to make it readable and easily understood. There are many tools that can help achieve this. Importantly, topics should be made clear and connect to one another in a sensible order. This can be done to show contrasts, arguments and supporting ideas in a way that helps readers link them together easily.

This is a key part of writing but make sure to understand the simpler parts before digging into this topic. These are the biggest sections of an essay but they rely on the smaller details like sentences and clauses in order to work best. So check you understand them first before tackling this! Click on the articles that take you through these components and get in touch if you want any additional help.

1. Key Sentences

-Use topic sentences to explain what the paragraph will address. The topic should be made clear in the first sentence of each paragraph.

-Paragraphs are normally at least two sentences long. Each sentence within a paragraph should address the same topic. A rule of thumb is to keep paragraphs around 5 sentences long. Start a new paragraph when a new topic can be singled out.

2. Logical Paragraph

-Paragraphs should follow each other logically. So if one addresses a topic – e.g. flooding – then the next could tackle rainfall which would explain the flooding. These two would then address different topics but are logically related.

-The first paragraph of an essay should outline ypur writing’s focus. It can briefly outline different topics that will be covered. It should be brief to avoid using excessive word count.

-A good rule is to structure paragraphs into three sections:
-Making your point
-Explaining the point in more detail
-Analysing and determining validity of the point, extrapolating and justifying.

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